۳ شهریور ۱۳۸۸

ده کت اینساید

از زندگی تو دنیایی که گربه هایش هر روز لاقرتر و انسانهایش هر روز چاق تر میشوند میترسم
دلم تنگ می شود برای گربگی هایم

۳۱ مرداد ۱۳۸۸


You don’t need no fancy tricks
Painted eyes or glossy lips

I love you just the way you are
Hope you don’t mind my beat up car

You don’t need to change your dress
You don’t need to change your shoes

Don’t try to hide your natural looks
Forget about the cover let me read the book

Don’t get me wrong I like them heels
But the way I feel is the way I feel

Hunnybabe don’t starve yourself
You’re lookin good you’re lookin well

And I’m proud to have you by my side
Glad to have you in my life

You don’t have to clean my house
You don’t have to wash my clothes

You’re an angel

You don’t have to read them magazines
You already know how to get to me

Just be yourself and I will too
That’s all we really have to do

You don’t have to be ashamed
You don’t have to hide your knees

Go ahead be wild and free
You don’t have to shave yo legs for me.

Now go ahead be wild and free
You don’t have to shave yo legs for me

shave yo legs
by:Keb Mo

۲۰ مرداد ۱۳۸۸

استپ بای استپ اینتیمسی

-یچیزی می خوام بهت بگم که تاهالا به کسی نگفتم
-نه قربونت

۱۵ مرداد ۱۳۸۸

استرتجیک میستیک

هیچوقت با آدمی که سنش از 60 بالاتره
کنسرت 2008 رولینگ استونز نگاه نکننین
حالا من گفته باشم

۱۰ مرداد ۱۳۸۸

سامتینگ آی میسد سادنلی

miss piggy
: But I love him.
rowlf: How could you love him? You're a nurse.
miss piggy: That may be true, but I am a woman first.
rowlf: No, you're not. You're a pig first. Nurse second. I don't think woman made the top 10.


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چی کار میکنی
ولی امروز هس کردم که بهت اهتیاج دارم
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